What is LaSRS in Louisiana?

Understanding the Louisiana State Retirement Systems (LaSRS)

LaSRS stands for the Louisiana State Retirement Systems, which manages pension and benefit programs for state employees, teachers and other public servants across Louisiana. Created by the state legislature in 1946, LaSRS administers billions in retirement funds and payments for thousands of members annually. Let’s explore LaSRS and its role in more detail.

LaSRS Login

About LaSRS

Headquartered in Baton Rouge, LaSRS serves the retirement needs of several large groups, including:

  • Louisiana State Employees
  • Public school teachers
  • State law enforcement
  • Judges & justices
  • Legislators
  • University staff

Together over 255,000 active and retired Louisiana public servants entrust LaSRS to invest pension funds responsibly and deliver accurate, timely retirement payments now and in the future.

Key LaSRS Retirement Plans

While individual agencies administer their unique benefit packages, core LaSRS retirement plans comprise:

  • LASERS – Louisiana State Employees Retirement System
  • TRSL – Teachers Retirement System of Louisiana
  • LSPRS – Louisiana State Police Retirement System
  • JRJDC – Judges and Justices Retirement System
  • LARERS – Louisiana Assessors Retirement Fund

Participants contribute a percentage per pay period that LaSRS carefully invests to meet future pension obligations. Members can check balances and statements via online accounts.

Benefits of LaSRS Membership

Being part of LaSRS and Louisiana’s public pension program comes with several advantages, including:

  • Secure predictable retirement income for life
  • Lifetime survivor benefits for spouses
  • Disability protection
  • One-time DROP lump sums
  • Annual cost-of-living increases
  • Low member fees to administer funds

Ongoing member education and responsive customer support aids state employees planning a stable Louisiana retirement.

LaSRS Login Access

LaSRS Member Account Access

Through secure online member accounts on lasersonline.org, participants can view personal fund details like:

  • Benefit Estimates
  • Contribution History
  • Years of Service
  • Payment Dates
  • Tax Documents

A free LaSRS smartphone app also enables account access and info lookup on-the-go.


How is my pension calculated?

Based on salary, tenure, age factor and a benefit accrual rate. Final average compensation x years of service x accrual rate.

When can I start drawing retirement?

Age 60 with 10 years of service for most plans. Some exceptions exist.

Can I transfer funds out?

No, LaSRS plans cannot be rolled over to IRAs or other vehicles. Lifetime payments can begin at retirement.

Do pensions increase post-retirement?

Yes, loyal COLAs often occur thanks to fund investment returns beating targets.


For over 75 years, LaSRS has delivered reliable, well-managed pensions to hundreds of thousands who serve Louisiana in impactful public sector roles. Understanding the retirement systems, plans and member perks can aid state employees in planning for the future.

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